Tuesday, July 5, 2011

CSS, HTML, Cpanel Hosting and CMS

Content Management System or commonly known as CMS is usually used today to easily manage data such as videos, audio, pdf, user accounts and other data files. A webmaster must know all the CMS aspects and be familiar as possible with different CSM like Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal. The very common CMS is Wordpress because of it's friendly user interface and different plugins. Joomla and Drupal are also good.

To be able to manipulate CMS specially when customizing themes should need knowledge on CSS, HTML and a basic PHP. Webmaster has a limitation when it comes to PHP. They never do PHP coding from scratch. A combination of graphics skills can successfully modify a CMS theme.

Another thing that a Webmaster should know is the domain registration. Some domains needs to be transfer using DNS settings. Cpanel Hosting is also important since you need to access it for FTP functions, file manager and when creating a database when installing a CMS,.

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